Global Connections (UK) TCK resources
This list has been compiled by several TCK consultants. It covers almost all areas of concern from children in transition to special educational needs, from the TCK experience to multilingualism. It is probably one of the most thorough lists of TCK resources you will come across and you can download here.
TCK Guidelines
In the UK, the Global Connections TCK forum has produced TCK Guidelines which are designed to give guidance to any UK based organisation or UK church sending families overseas. They are useful background and can be contextualised and adapted for other countries. The principles underlining them can be applied to all types of staff such as mission partners and volunteers working overseas. Agencies and churches can also adapt them for their contexts, both long and short-term, although different procedures might be needed in each context. These guidelines have been formed specifically with cross-cultural contexts in mind, but can also be useful in same-culture situation. The guidelines can be downloaded from the
GC website.